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Hello, I'm Ahmet Hamdi!


I obtained BSc. in Physics & Electrical and Electronics Engineering with a full scholarship at Koc University and graduated in June 2022 by ranking first in my department. Following this, I started my PhD in Physics in the Sirringhaus group at the Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
I am experienced in conducting experiments, research, scientific programming, and tutoring. I have always been very eager to collaborate, try, and learn new things.
In addition to academic research, I enjoy playing tennis, squash, classical guitar and reading.
Feel free to contact me for feedback, suggestions, and academic and non-academic topics.

Ducks along the cam river
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Ahmet Hamdi Unal

Res Asst & PhD Student in Physics





Cambridge, UK​

Jan 2023 - Present

PhD Candidate in Physics

Sep 2016 - Jun 2022

BSc in Physics

BSc in Electrical and Electronics  Engineering (double major)



High School Student



Charge transport and thermoelectric physics of conjugated molecular semiconductors.

KOC UNIVERSITY, Istanbul/ Turkey 

GPA 3.98/4.00
Relevant Courses:

Solid State Physics Independent Study I: Very Low (VLF) Frequency Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena in Near-Earth Space | Independent Study II: Plasma Physics, VLF Wave-Particle Interactions & Numerical Electromagnetics | Experimental Physics Electromagnetism Independent Study: Emerging Energy Devices | Computational Physics [Python, MATLAB] | Intro. to Machine Learning [Python, R] | Computer Systems Programming [C, Assembly] | Digital Design [VHDL] | Advanced Programming [C, Java] | Analog and Signal Comm. Lab [MATLAB, Simulink] | Quantum Mechanics I - II | Statistical Physics | General Physics I-II-III-IV | Systems, Control and Communication | Circuits Analysis | Probability and Random Variables for Engineers | Signals and Systems | Intro. Programming [Java] | Intro. to Computer Programming with MATLAB | Microelectronic Circuits and Design | Photonic Materials & Devices Applied Mathematics Advanced Electromagnetism Condensed Matter Physics I | Electrical and Electronic Engineering Design I


Calculus I | Multivariable Calculus | Differential Equations | Intro. to Linear Algebra | Intro. to Abstract Mathematics | Discrete Mathematics | Introductory Biology | General Chemistry | Academic Writing for Science & Technology | Basic Academic Writing 

Project: MECH 100 (Introduction to Mech. Eng.)

Project Title: Monitoring Sensor Data via Arduino Uno And Twitter. Prepared the project with two other peers using MATLAB and received a grade of A+. [Video].


Project: ACWR 106 (Academic Writing for Science and Technology)

Project Title: A Review on Low-temperature Carbon Nanotube Growth Methods to Improve Structural Control and Cost-efficiency. Different methods to generate carbon nanotubes (nanowires) are presented and discussed in a review article. Written with three other peers following a specific scientific format.


Project: ELEC 202 (Circuit Analysis)

Project Title: Dual Tone Multi-Frequency Circuit Design. Implemented a touch-tone signal generator where the output is the sum of two sinusoids. Design, simulation, and analysis are performed in PSPICE.


Project: PHYS 201 (Classical Mechanics)

Project Title: Lagrange Points. Wrote a term paper project considering their stability conditions, derivations, and applications.


Project: ELEC 204 (Digital Design)

Project Title: Accumulator Calculator with Multiple Functionalities. Designed a digital accumulator that performs arithmetic and logic operations on an 8-bit binary number. Additionally, extra functionality to compute Lazy Caterer's Sequence is implemented.


Project: ELEC 310 (Microelectronic Circuits and Devices)

Project Title: Wireless Audio Transmitter w/Diode Laser. Designed a transmitter and receiver system that transmits audio signals with a diode laser and receives it using a phototransistor to convert it back into an electronic current.


Project: ELEC 316 (Analog and Digital Comm. Lab)

Project Title: Best Digital Video Transmission Design. Implemented a design to improve the bit rate and error rate performance of the digital movie transmitter and receiver using Simulink.


Project: ELEC 390 (Independent Study)

Project Title: Independent Study Report. A report on XRD, Raman Spectroscopy, LTO Batteries, ZnO Nanowires, CVD.


Project: PHYS 390 (Independent Study I: Very Low Frequency (VLF) Electromagnetic Wave Phenomena in Near-Earth Space)

Project Title: End of Term Report. A report on electromagnetic wave propagation inside the ionospheric plasma (for both unmagnetized and magnetized). Appleton-Hartree equation is derived and refractive-index surface polar plots are plotted.


Project: ELEC 391 (Summer Practice II)

Project Title: Summer Practice Report

Not publicly available at the moment.


Project: PHYS 403 (Solid State Physics)

Project Title: Halite: A Review Article. A report on physical properties, crystallography, the history of halite. Some spectroscopy methods are explained and spectrograms of Halite are presented. Current halite deposits in the world and Turkey are discussed. 


Project: PHYS 405 (Experimental Physics)

Project Title: Quantum Computing: A Review Article. A report on the essentials and the history of quantum computing - computers. Physical implementations of qubits are discussed and some major companies (and their quantum computers) are presented.


Project: PHYS 414 (Computational Physics)

Project Title: Stars from Newton to Einstein. Calculated the structures of stars in Newtonian Gravity, General Relativity, and alternative theories by implementing both analytical and computational methods using Python.


Project: PHYS 490 (Independent Study II: Plasma Physics, VLF Wave-Particle Interactions & Numerical Electromagnetics)

Project Title: Demonstration and Science Experiments (DSX) - Electric & Magnetic Field Measurements Ground Truth

Not publicly available at the moment.


Project: ELEC 491 (Electrical Engineering Design Project)

Project Title: Electrical Engineering Design Project
Final Report: Lightning Discharges & Lightning-Induced Whistlers
. Combines whistlers measured by DSX spacecraft with the lightning discharges on Earth provided by GLD360 .

Not publicly available at the moment.


Graduated with high honour.

Summer 2021

Summer Engineering Research Intern at Koç University Dept. of Electrical & Electronics Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Umran S. Inan and SRE David S. Lauben on Frequency-domain Spacecraft Signal Calibration

Keywords: Fourier Transform, DFT, FFT, Calibration, VLF, DSX Spacecraft Mission, Power-Amplitude Spectral Density, Time-domain Intensity

Spring 2021

Research Assistant to Prof. Umran S. Inan, Department of Physics & Electrical and Electronics Eng.

Research Area Keywords: Very Low Frequency (VLF) Radio Waves, Near-Earth Space, Ionosphere, Plasma Physics, Wave-Particle Interactions, DSX Satellite

Summer 2020

Summer Engineering Intern at Ambeent Inc, under the department of Artificial Intelligence.

Keywords: Smart watch, wristband, health sensors, liquid detection

Fall 2018
Fall 2020

Research Assistant to Asst. Prof. Onur ERGEN, Department of Electrical and Electronics Eng.

Research Area Keywords: ZnO Nanorods, CVD, Raman Spectroscopy, XRD, Li-ion Battery, Flow Battery, 3D printing.

Spring 2019

Laboratory Teaching Assistant in General Physics II (Electromagnetics) under the supervision of Laboratory Engineer Nazmi Yılmaz.

Spring 2018

Tutor in Koc University Office of Learning and Teaching in COMP 110: Introduction to Computer Programming with MATLAB.

Fall 2017

Research Assistant to Prof. Dr. Alper KIRAZ Dep. of Physics, & Dep of Electrical and Electronics Eng.

Research Area Keywords: Digital Micromirror Devices (DMD), Digital Light Processsing (DLP).


Participated in “Modern Geometry for Physicists" Program in Nesin Matematik Village

MATLAB Student Ambassador under Figes Inc.

FEB 2019


FALL 2018

FALL 2019

Member of Power Equipment Team of Koç University Racing Team Ravendo

Keywords: battery cells, battery management system, packaging


FALL 2020

Member of Board of Koç University Science Club


* Obtained a full tuition scholarship from Koc University  and was awarded  a Scientific & Technological Research Council of Turkey scholarship through achievement in the Nationwide University Entrance Placement Test.


* Had high honour certificates starting from 1st semester at Koc University through a GPA of 3.98/ 4.00.


* Graduated 1st in Physics, 2nd in Electrical & Electronics Engineering, and 3rd in College of Sciences from Koc University.


* Received special “Vehbi Koc Honor Award” for outstanding academic performance throughout the program.

  • O. Ergen, E. Celik, A. H. Unal, M. Erdolu, “Screen engineered field effect Cu2O based solar cells”, IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 41, pp. 1138-1140, July 2020. DOI: 10.1109/LED.2020.2995924



  • O. Ergen, E. Celik, A. H. Unal, M. Erdolu, F. E. Sarac, U. Unal “Real time chemical and mechanical human motion monitoring with aerogel-based wearable sensors”, Lab on a Chip, vol. 20, issue 15, pp. 2689-2695, June 2020. DOI: 10.1039/D0LC00545B




MATLAB, Simulink, Python, C, LaTeX, Microsoft Office



C++, Java, R, VHDL, Assembly, Solidworks, COMSOL Multiphysics, PSpice


Turkish (Native)

English (Fluent)

German: (Intermediate [A2])


Have a certificate of distinction in Classical Guitar / Grade 6 by the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM)


  • Raman Spectroscopy

  • X-ray Diffraction Spectroscopy

  • Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD)

  • Photolithography

  • Excimer laser patterning

  • Cryogenic probe stations


Joined in numerous math & science competitions before university years and obtained accomplishment certificates.


Playing Tennis and Squash, Cycling, Playing the Piano and Classical Guitar, Reading, Sudoku

  • Engage regularly in community services, such as tutoring students on various topics and supporting non-profit organizations that aim to spread education to rural areas.


  • Participated in CS 101: Hello, World! ( program to provide high school students with fundamental programming skills with Python.


  • Participated in the Koç University Office of Learning and Teaching tutoring program to help undergraduate and graduate peers with MATLAB.


  • Participated in TEGV ( Volunteer Trainer programs during high school years

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